Visual Studio For Mac Wpf

2021. 6. 8. 01:47카테고리 없음

Active3 years, 6 months ago

The.NET framework and Visual Studio enable you to develop data-centric, modern line of business applications (LoB) for Windows. Create visually stunning user experiences with WPF or use WinForms productive WYSIWYG designers to incorporate UI, media, and complex business models. Developer Community for Visual Studio Product family. After version 7.6 All my Xamarin forms project won't reference.NET Portable Subset assemblies, breaking intellisene. Visual studio 2017 version 15.9 windows 10.0 project xaml ide JRusso reported 10 hours ago When selecting to create a new 'WPF App (.NET Framework)' from the VS Start Page and with 'Create directory for solution' unchecked, it puts the sln file and.vs folder one above the newly created project folder. C# programming (WPF) on Mac (self.csharp) submitted 1 year ago by MaximVL So I've been using a virtual machine for my.NET class for a while now, but I read about alternatives for C# programming on a Mac: Mono and Visual Studio for Mac preview.

Questions and answers. Is Python support available with Visual Studio for Mac? Not at this time, but you can up vote the request on Developer Community.The Visual Studio for Mac documentation identifies the current types of development that it does support. If you have any trouble, you can report a problem from inside the IDE on both Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac. To track issues, ask questions and find answers, explore the Visual Studio Developer Community. Visual Studio for Mac continues to follow the Microsoft Modern Lifecycle Policy, and Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.8 will be superseded by Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.0 once released. For instructions on updating, see Updating Visual Studio for Mac.

Hello good day everyone,

I would just like to ask if it is possible to run C# windows form applications in mac, developed using microsoft visual studio in a microsoft operating system? :D what would be needed? is it free or do i have to purchase it?

With just a few clicks using the new AutoLooks OFX plug-in, you can bring Hollywood to your movies. With even more professional looks and color treatments now included, you can choose from many preset visual treatments that work great on their own. Music maker for mac. Transform your viewers to another realm, with instant creative color treatments that help you establish a new – or old – cinematic atmosphere. It allows you to add the atmosphere, feel, and look of famous films, movie genres, film stocks, or particular movie-making eras to your video. Or, as always, you can still add other filters to fully customize the color treatment and give your movies that Hollywood feel with a touch of your own unique style.

thank you. :D


closed as too broad by JK., MethodMan, Rob, Mi-Creativity, sujith karivelilFeb 23 '16 at 4:03

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

Visual Studio for Mac enables the creation of.NET Core solutions, providing the back-end services to your client solutions. Code, debug, and test these cloud services simultaneously with your client solutions for increased productivity. Visual studio.

6 Answers

Yes, it is possible. For example, you can use Mono.

Tuyen PhamTuyen Pham
4,87110 gold badges44 silver badges85 bronze badges

The .Net Core is cross platform though it doesn't include winform (maybe it will in the future) or Wpf (definitely won't be cross platform in future).

You can use Xamarin Studio and Mono to make a winform app for mac, though if you want to to use Visual Studio buy Xamarin business license for VS support or make a XNA or a web app. See my answer here .net core for linux and mac for more info.


Visual Studio For Mac Professional

Jeremy ThompsonJeremy Thompson
42.2k13 gold badges116 silver badges217 bronze badges

I've used Xamarin and GTK#, as well as Xamarin for code-behind and XCode for forms design. They both work pretty decently with C# for code-behind stuff.

Just keep in mind that GTK# looks quite clunky and dated when you put it next to a native Mac application.


On the other hand, the object framework for XCode forms (yeah, I know I'm not using the 'correct' terminology..) presents a bit of a learning curve, but isn't terribly hard, and Xamarin did a sweet job of integrating the object model into C#, so between the Apple documentation and what Xamarin provides, and er. from StackOverflow itself, you should be able to produce some neat-looking apps.

13.4k7 gold badges43 silver badges79 bronze badges

Wine is capable of running some winforms-based Windows applications on Mac OSX. When it works as intended, all you have to do is install Wine on the Mac, and then it can run your exe. Of course this won't always work perfectly, and it won't have the polish of a native Mac app, but for simpler Winforms apps it should work.


You might be able to cross-compile using Mono.


This is not possible. C# winform applications can only run on Windows.

Vivek VermaVivek Verma

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c#visual-studio or ask your own question.

Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, and Xamarin Forms. Separate releases are available for each platform and those will be developed on independent timelines. Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well-structured and maintainable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commands, EventAggregator, and others. Prism's core functionality is a shared code base in both a netstandard2.0 & net45 Library. Those things that need to be platform specific are implemented in the respective libraries for the target platform. Prism also provides great integration of these patterns with the target platform. For example, Prism for Xamarin Forms allows you to use an abstraction for navigation that is unit testable, but that layers on top of the platform concepts and APIs for navigation so that you can fully leverage what the platform itself has to offer, but done in the MVVM way.

Prism 7 is a fully open source version of the Prism guidance originally produced by Microsoft patterns & practices. The core team members were all part of the P&P team that developed Prism 1 through 5, and the effort has now been turned over to the open source community to keep it alive and thriving to support the .NET community. There are thousands of companies who have adopted previous versions of Prism for WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Runtime, and we hope they will continue to move along with us as we continue to evolve and enhance the framework to keep pace with current platform capabilities and requirements.

Build Status

Full Build

Sandbox Build Status

Xamarin iOS
Xamarin Android


  • Documentation is maintained in the Prism-Documentation repo under /docs and can be found in a readable format on the website.
  • For general questions and support, post your questions on StackOverflow.
  • You can enter bugs and feature requests in our Issues.

Help Support Prism

As most of you know, it takes a lot of time and effort for our small team to manage and maintain Prism in our spare time. Even though Prism is open source and hosted on GitHub, there are a number of costs associated with maintaining a project such as Prism. If you would like to help support us, the easiest thing you can do is become a Patron and watch our Pluralsight courses on Prism.

By becoming a Patron and subscribing to the Prism Library, you will receive a number of benefits depending on your level of support.

Supporter - $5+ per month

  • Receive all Prism Library news and announcements, such as new release information and blogs posts.
  • Gives you access to our community Slack channel where you can ask questions and get help from the community and the Prism Library project maintainers (when available).

Backer - $10+ per monthEverything in the Supporter plan plus:

  • A Prism sticker

Generous Backer - $25+ per monthEverything in the Backer plan plus:

  • Video Tutorial request priority (topic acceptance not guaranteed)
  • Bragging rights!

Bronze Sponsor - $100+ per monthEverything in the Generous Backer plan plus:

  • Your name or company logo (small) will be put in in the Prism repository.

Silver Sponsor - $250+ per monthEverything in the Generous Backer plan plus:

  • Your name or company logo (medium) will be put in the in the Prism repository.
  • Your name or company logo (medium) will be put on the repository

Gold Sponsor - $500+ per monthEverything in the Generous Backer plan plus:

  • Your name or company logo (large) will be put in the in the Prism repository.
  • Your name or company logo (large) will be put on the repository
  • Your name or company logo (large) on the homepage of
  • 1 hour VIP support per month

Platinum Sponsor - $1,000+ per monthEverything in the Generous Backer plan plus:

  • Your name or company logo (large) will be put at the top of the in the Prism repository.
  • Your name or company logo (large) will be put on the repository
  • Your name or company logo on the homepage of
  • 1 Sponsored Video Tutorial per month
  • 2 hours VIP support per month

Corporate Sponsor - $10,000+ per monthEverything in the Platinum Sponsor plan plus:

  • 3 days onsite training for your company (every six months)
  • Dedicated VIP Support

Videos & Training

By watching our courses, not only do you help support the project financially, but you might also learn something along the way. We believe this is a win-win for everyone.

Full visual studio for mac. We appreciate your support.


Both Brian and Dan are streaming live on a regular basis covering topics for WPF and Xamarin.Forms developers. Be sure to follow and subscribe to find out when they go live.

NuGet Packages

Official Prism releases are available on NuGet. Prism also has a MyGet feed which will be updated with each merged PR. If you want to take advantage of a new feature as soon as it's merged into the code base, or if there is a critical bug you need fixed we invite you to try the packages on this feed. Our feed is a public feed in the MyGet Gallery.

Simply add as a package source to either Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac.

Core Packages

These are the base packages for each platform, together with the Prism's Core assembly as a cross-platform PCL.


Container-specific packages

Each supported IoC container has its own package assisting in the setup and usage of that container together with Prism. The assembly is named using this convention: Prism.Container.Platform.dll, e.g. Prism.Unity.Wpf.dll. Starting with version 7.0, Prism is moving to separate packages for each platform. Be sure to install the package for the Container and the Platform of your choice.


Prism.Autofac*see notes
Prism.Mef*see notes
Prism.StructureMapsee notes

Xamarin Forms

Prism.Autofac.Forms*see notes

Visual Studio For Mac Wp Forms

Package Notices

  • Autofac will be removed following the 7.1 release due to it's inability to support Prism Modularity.
  • MEF is no longer supported in Prism 7 as it is not truly a DI Container and lacks the performance that developers deserve.
  • StructureMap has reached EOL as a container. As a result the Prism team will no longer be continuing to provide updates to the StructureMap package moving forward.
  • For developers using Unity with Prism 6, take note that the new Unity maintainer has made major breaking changes. This includes changing namespaces and the package structure. These changes were NOT made by the Prism team nor do we have any control over it. When upgrading to Prism 7 you will need to uninstall the existing Unity package as we now reference the Unity.Container NuGet.

A detailed overview of each assembly per package is available here.

Prism Template Pack

Prism now integrates with Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio to enable a highly productive developer workflow for creating WPF, UWP, and native iOS and Android applications using Xamarin.Forms. Jump start your Prism apps with code snippets, item templates, and project templates for your IDE of choice.

Visual Studio Gallery

The Prism Template Pack is available on the Visual Studio Gallery. To install, just go to Visual Studio -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates.. then search for Prism in the online gallery:

Visual Studio for Mac Addin

The Prism Template Studio and Developer Toolkit is available from the Visual Studio Mac Extensions Gallery.


There are certain things that cannot be added directly into Prism for various reasons. To handle these common tasks such as supporting PopupPage's in Xamarin Forms, there are Prism Plugins. You can find a number of Plugins available on NuGet from our maintainer @DanJSiegel.

  • Prism.Plugin.Popups (Forms Only)
  • Prism.Plugin.Logging (Works on all Platforms)
    • Adds support for Syslog, Loggly, Graylog, Application Insights, & App Center
  • Prism.Plugin.PageDialogs (Forms Only)
  • Prism.Container.Extensions
    • Adds advanced Container Registration abstractions
    • Adds DryIoc ContainerExtension with support for Microsoft.DependencyInjection.Extensions & Splat. Uses a singleton pattern to allow initialization from a native platform
    • Provides an extended PrismApplication with additional error handling and platform specifics support for Prism.Forms


We have both a development sandbox (frequently changing) and stable samples for using Prism with WPF, UWP and Xamarin Forms. An overview of the samples can be found here.

Visual Studio For Mac Os X


Visual Studio For Mac Wpfw

We strongly encourage you to get involved and help us evolve the code base.

  • You can see what our expectations are for pull requests here.

.NET Foundation

This project is part of the .NET Foundation.